수단 국제 대학 (SIU)
Founded 1990.
자금 지원:
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
학년 2
언어 2
학과 11
- 간호 학부
연간 등록금
현지 통화: SDG
SDG1,005.00 – SDG2,500.00
- 입학 상세사항: Sudan School certificate or its equivalent with pass compulsory subjects (Arabic Language, English language, Religious Studies, and Mathematics), plus pass in three other subejcts relevant to the faculty chosen, International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) or other Foreign Certificate with pass in English and Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics plus any other 2 subjects.
귀하의 통화: USD
US$1.67 – US$4.16