세인트 존스 탄자니아 대학교 (SJUT)
Founded 2007.
자금 지원:
Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU)
학년 3
언어 1
학과 8
- 약학 및 제약 과학 학교학습 분야: 조제
연간 등록금
현지 통화: TZS
TZS375,000.00 – TZS1,750,000.00
- 입학 상세사항: Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) or equivalent with passes in five approved subjects, obtained prior to the sitting for ACSEE, Advance Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with at least two principal passes or its equivalent.Applicant must have attained a total score of at least 4.5 points (Where A= 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1 and S = 0.5). Holders of Diploma from recognised and accredited institutions qualify for direct entry.
비슷한 대학
귀하의 통화: USD
US$141.38 – US$659.75