루 붐바시 대학 (UNILU)
Founded 1955 as Université officielle du Congo-Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi, became a campus of the Université nationale du Zaïre 1971, and acquired present status and title 1981. A State institution.
자금 지원:
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire
학년 3
언어 1
학과 15
연간 등록금
현지 통화: CDF
CDF103,500.00 – CDF148,500.00
- 입학 상세사항: Diplôme d'Etat d'études secondaires (secondary school certificate), applicants with less than 60% in the secondary school certificate are admitted by cometetive exam.
귀하의 통화: USD
US$36.39 – US$52.21