디킨 대학교
Founded 1974. It was Victoria's only regionally based University. Following the mergers with Warrnambool Institute of Advanced Education, 1990 and Victoria College 1991, Deakin is a multi-campus institution. A second Geelong campus was established at the Geelong Waterfront in 1996.
자금 지원:
학년 3
언어 1
학과 4
- 과학기술부
연간 등록금
현지 통화: AUD
A$8,750.00 – A$26,145.00
- 입학 상세사항: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or equivalent qualification, or tertiary or TAFE study.
짧은 온라인 과정 11
비슷한 대학
귀하의 통화: USD
US$5,536.38 – US$16,542.71